Sunday 10 September 2017

Law Office of Stefan Coleman Attorney - Class Members Get $45 Each, Lawyers Get $3.1 Million in Deal to End TCPA Suit vs Nationstar

A Chicago federal judge has approved a $12.1 million class action settlement against a national mortgage company, which allegedly made improper automated phone calls to collect debts, in which each class member gets $45 and attorneys pocket $3.1 million – even as attorneys had wanted $600,000 more.
The Aug. 29 decision was rendered by Judge Edmond Chang in U.S. District Court for Northern Illinois. 

In December 2014, eight plaintiffs filed a class action suit against Nationstar Mortgage, claiming the company broached the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Nationstar, which is based in Lewisville, Texas, provides mortgages and services loans from other mortgage companies.
Plaintiffs alleged Nationstar made unsolicited, prerecorded debt collection phone calls to their cellular phones, using an automated dialing system, without their consent. There were 2.3 million people who potentially received the calls. After the suit was lodged, plaintiffs sent notices of the suit, with claim forms, to those who may have received the calls; as of April, 147,476 claims were returned and entered.
In April 2016, parties reached a settlement agreement in which Nationstar would set up a $12.1 million fund, from which each member of the class action would be paid about $45. The fund would also cover administration costs, as well as $3.7 million in fees for plaintiffs’ attorneys. The $3.7 million figure represented 36 percent of the estimated amount remaining in the fund after the other payouts.
Attorney fees of 30 percent are a “baseline” standard for such settlements, but the attorneys wanted an extra 6 percent, because of the added risk they said they faced in agreeing to handle the case. However, Judge Chang refused to approve the six percent, saying the risk was already included in the 30 percent contingency fee. 
“The 30 percent baseline appropriately reflects the market rate in this case,” Chang observed.
The eight plaintiffs who brought the suit each asked for a $5,000 “incentive award,” in addition to their $45, for their efforts in getting the case off the ground. Chang found this request “reasonable,” saying such awards are necessary to induce plaintiffs to initiate class actions.
In approving the settlement, Chang said success for plaintiffs was far from assured, with continued proceedings likely to be lengthy and expensive. In this regard, Chang quoted an unnamed Nationstar defense attorney, who said, “If this case doesn’t settle, this litigation will be a war.”

Chang noted one hurdle for plaintiffs would have been the issue of consent. Nationstar could have contended participants in the class action agreed to be called by Nationstar, when they listed their cell phone numbers on loan applications or associated papers. This argument would not only have served as a viable defense, but would also have presented “significant manageability obstacles” to plaintiffs, as “individualized” inquiries would have had to be made to clarify the “scope of consent,” Chang concluded.
Complicating matters, some participants provided phone numbers on forms for other lenders – with wording different than that of Nationstar – which Nationstar serviced, adding more knots for lawyers to untie. Chang said that as a consequence, the case could have become “unwieldy” to pursue as a class action.
Another challenge to plaintiffs, in Chang’s view, would have been whether Nationstar’s phone system was an auto dialing system as defined in the Telephone Consumers Protection Act. Chang said the question figures in a pending appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, which could narrow the definition to such a degree that Nationstar’s system could fall outside it.
Plaintiffs were represented by the following counsel: Edelson P.C., of Chicago; Law Offices of Stefan Coleman, of Miami; Horwitz, Horwitz & Paradis, of New York; Landskroner, Grieco & Merriman, of Cleveland; Douglas J. Campion Law Office, of San Diego; Wick, Phillips, Gould & Martin, of Fort Worth, Texas; and Law Offices of Michael P. Sousa, of San Diego.

Nationstar was defended by the firm of Reed Smith LLP, which is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Penn., with an office in Chicago.

Sunday 3 September 2017

Law Office of Stefan Coleman - Junk Fax Lawsuit Results In $3.3M Settlement Deal; $1.1M to Plaintiffs' Lawyers

A settlement in a junk fax class action lawsuit, which is pending in Chicago federal court, would give about $330 to each fax recipient and more than $1 million to three lawyers who represented the plaintiff.
The Wendell H. Stone Company, of Connellsville, Penn., filed a class action suit in July 2016 in U.S. District Court for Northern Illinois, against LKQ, a Chicago-based supplier to recreational vehicle, towing and outdoor power equipment retailers. Stone alleged LKQ violated the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act by sending three unsolicited faxes to Stone in 2015.
Law Offices of Stefan Coleman
Overall, Stone alleged LKQ violated the Act by sending 77,848 faxes to more than 6,500 recipients, as part of a marketing campaign. In particular, Stone alleged the faxes did not tell recipients, as required by law, how to "opt out" of receiving further faxes.
A motion for a final settlement was filed April 20 in which LKQ agreed to set up a $3.3 million fund, to be split among 6,525 class action members after deductions for attorney fees, an incentive award and court costs.
The settlement was reached with help from mediator Morton J. Denlow, a retired magistrate judge with the U.S. District Court for Northern Illinois. Denlow works as a mediator with JAMS, a global dispute resolution company. JAMS is based in Irvine, Calif., with an office in Chicago.
Stefan Coleman

No member of the class action has objected to the settlement, in which each member would receive about $330, after deductions. Stone's attorneys said this amount "easily doubles" the figure usually awarded in TCPA class action settlements.
The incentive award, of $7,500, will be paid to Stone for its efforts in initiating the case.
The agreement gives Stone’s legal team one-third of the settlement, amounting to $1.1 million.
“Class Counsel performed meaningful work identifying the claims, investigating the facts, drafting and filing the pleadings, engaging in an early exchange of information, participating in the mediation, preparing the settlement documents and approval papers, and performing other important legal tasks on behalf of the Class,” Stone’s lawyers wrote in their motions requesting attorney fees.
"And the work isn’t done. Rather, Class Counsel remains committed to seeing this Settlement Agreement through confirmatory discovery and onto to final approval.”
There were three lawyers, and their clerks, who worked the suit for Stone.
Stone's atttorneys said they expect to put in another $10,000 worth of time finalizing the settlement. They also want $10,867 for expenses incurred in pursuing the suit.

Stone's attorneys were from McCallister Law Group, of Chicago, and the Law Offices of Stefan Coleman, of Miami, as well as from Woodrow & Peluso, of Denver.
As part of the settlement, LKQ will also conform its faxes to regulations.
The settlement will be presented for approval to U.S. District Judge Matthew Kennelly at a hearing May 4.
LKQ was defended by the Chicago firms of Shook, Hardy & Bacon, and Barack, Ferrazzano, Kirschbaum & Nagelberg.

Saturday 2 September 2017

Law Offices of Stefan Coleman - Class Action Filed Against National Auto Protection Corp. Over Telemarketing Calls

A Michigan consumer has filed a class-action lawsuit accusing a West Palm Beach company of using an unlawful telemarketing campaign.
Richard Frost filed a complaint individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated on March 21 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida against National Auto Protection Corp. alleging violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

According to the complaint, the plaintiffs allege that his phone number is registered on the National Do Not Call Registry. The suit states that the defendant contracted him in January to sell an extended warranty for his vehicle without his consent. The plaintiffs hold National Auto Protection Corp. responsible because the defendant allegedly contacted plaintiff without prior express consent and unlawfully utilized an automatic dialer and automated voice.

The plaintiffs request a trial by jury and seek judgment against defendant, certify class action, designate class representative and counsel, statutory damages, declaratory judgment, disgorge any ill-gotten funds, attorneys’ fees, costs, and further relief that the court deems reasonable. He is represented by Stefan Coleman of Law Offices of Stefan Coleman in Miami.
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Case number 9:17-cv-80367