Friday 3 November 2017

Attorney Stefan Coleman Explaining 5 Tips That Employees Should Know About Digital Privacy Rights

All workers should understand some of the most important details about digital privacy rights. Awareness of these details is important because employers hold an increasing number of privacy rights over workers. As a result, it is important for all workers to understand where these various issues meet. This article will review the ten most important things that workers should know about digital privacy rights in the digital age.

Tip #1 - Understand Limited Privacy Rights for Emails

Company email accounts are the property of the company rather than the employee. As a result, companies generally able to access emails and obtain information that is contained within their own system. Given the access that companies have to these details, it is critical that workers understand that they have very little privacy for any messages that are sent through company e-mail.

Tip #2 - Practice Proper Information Protection

It is a wise idea if workers perform only non-private, work related activities on any company issued devices. Employees should also avoid combining personal and work information on their electronic devices. Workers should be aware of any company rules related to monitoring or accessing information.

Tip #3 - Understand Property That Can Be Searched

Workers today have very few reasonable expectations of privacy in items. This is increasingly true in regards to laptops, mobile devices, and smart devices that are owned by employees. Generally, any items that are owned by a company including desks, files, and lockers can be searched by an employer. As a result, it is imperative that workers remain cautious about what they bring to work.

Tip #4 - Employers Can Listen to Worker Conversations

Employees should remain conscious whenever talking on the telephone at work that an employer could potentially listen in on the individual. While it is true that the Electronics Communications Privacy Act prohibits interception of any sort without a person’s consent, the act does have a business use exception that allows companies to monitor employee conversations. Employers in accordance with the Electronics Communications Privacy Act can also obtain consent to monitor all electronic communications that an employee has.

Tip # 5 - Understand Monitoring Privacy

A large number of companies have chosen to track the motor vehicles and phones of workers. If an employer decides to install video cameras for any reason, it is imperative that companies avoid hiding the cameras and properly notify the employees about this decision. There are also some places where companies should never place any type of video surveillance including in bathrooms and locker rooms.

Speak with a Knowledgeable Privacy Rights Attorney

This article has reviewed only some of the most important issues that individuals should know about privacy protection in the digital age. If you or a loved one faces any privacy rights issues in the work environment, it is also frequently a wise idea to contact an experienced privacy rights attorney like attorney Stefan Coleman. Contact the law offices of Stefan Coleman today for assistance with your case.

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